Obchodování na nejoblíbenějších forexových párech
The US dollar (USD) is involved in 88% of all forex transactions, making it the dominant currency in global trading. The Euro (EUR) accounts for 31% of forex trades, reflecting its importance as the second most traded currency in the market.
Obchodování USD / EURO
The US dollar (USD) is the dominant currency in the forex market, appearing in 88% of all trades. The Euro (EUR) follows as the second most common, being involved in 31% of forex transactions.
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Forexové trhy
Forex trading involves speculating on the price movements of currencies in order to potentially profit. Currencies are always traded in pairs, meaning a trader is predicting whether the value of one currency will rise or fall relative to the other.
Obchodování s nejoblíbenějšími kryptoměnami
Moudrý nákup a prodej kryptoměn
Invest in Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, and other cryptocurrencies through our easy-to-use crypto trading app. With recent growth in the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency markets, now is an ideal time to start trading. Link your wallet to our AI-driven platform, which will automatically handle your crypto investments while you enjoy life.
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Vklad krypto vydělávat úroky
With our professionally managed portfolio plans, you can be confident that your investments will be strategically planned and carefully executed.

Obchodování s CFD na ropu
Co je ropa Brent?
Brent is the primary benchmark for pricing oil globally, accounting for about two-thirds of the world’s traded oil. It is classified as a "sweet light" crude oil due to its lower density and minimal sulfur content, making it easier and less costly to refine into products like gasoline.
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CFD na ropu a energii
One of the key advantages of trading commodity CFDs (Contracts for Difference) with us is the flexibility and ease it offers. Through CFDs, traders can access real-time market rates for crude oil and other energy products, without the fees or complexities associated with traditional oil futures markets. This allows traders to both buy and sell short without restrictions or extra charges. Additionally, it gives you the freedom to implement your market analysis and take action based on the market direction, enabling you to trade with greater agility and control.
Nákup a prodej indexů
Indices, also referred to as indexes, are collections of various resources that are grouped together. They can either represent a particular segment of the market or reflect the performance of the overall market.
Obchodování s indexy správným způsobem
Utilize financial instruments that enable traders to profit from both rising and falling prices!
The overall value of a stock market index is determined by the combined prices of all the assets within it. This means that changes in the price of individual stocks will influence whether the index value increases or decreases.
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Obchodní indexy
You can trade individual stocks with us (check out our equities section for more details), but you can also trade an index as a whole. This allows you to speculate on whether the stocks within the index will rise or fall collectively, giving you a broader view of the market.
We offer a wide selection of indices for trading, with 20 available on the AquilaFx platform and additional options on the MT4 platform. If you have an account, simply log in to start trading. If you’re new, click here to sign up quickly and easily.